Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stupidity should be illegal

Up bright and early this tired though. Did a trailer switch at 4:30 am, and headed out, Churf and I singing with the radio, pitch black and freezing cold out. About an hour later, we came across a car that had gone off the road and WAY into the ditch. Since it was -17 out, and no one on the roads yet, I figured I should be responsible and make sure everyone was ok. We pulled over with our four-ways on, and I waded through thigh deep snow drifts to the car. In it was one girl, a blonde, sitting looking confused as all blondes except me usually do. I asked her if she was ok, and she said yes, just very cold. I asked if she had roadside assistance, or called anyone. She said she was very confused and didn't know what to do. No big surprise there. So I told her to come sit in the truck and keep warm while I had my company call her a tow truck. For the sake of simplicity, i shall refer to her as "stupid".
Stupid: But I can't open my car door. The snow drifts are too deep.
Lizzy (me, assuming my best "I'll save you" attitude): Let me get that for you.
I had no gloves on, but heroically dug the snow away from her car door completely. My hands were freezing.
Lizzy: There you go. Now you can open it.
Stupid: Nevermind, I'll just climb out the window.
Out she came, through the window. Huh, all that work for nothing. Obviously this bitch had just always wanted to climb out a window.
I took her to the truck and waited for her to call someone. I gave her a hint. "you should probably call a tow truck"
Stupid: I'm just so confuuuused! I don't know what to do...
Lizzy: I'd say your first idea should be to call someone.
Stupid: Oh, sure. I'll call my ex-husband. (calls) Hello? Hello? Please pick up the phone.....I'm going to keep calling till you wake up. Do you know if I have that's for a car. The thing you have on the car.....ok, so call me back.
Well, that was about as useful as snowshoes in July.
Lizzy: Let me call you a tow truck.
I called and got a tow truck sent over. It would be a few minutes. Stupid didn't know to shut her mouth while she was ahead.
Stupid: Oh, now I won't be able to meet up with my boyfriend....*sigh*
Huh, weird. I thought she just called her "ex-husband"
Stupid: I know I have that know......because just last week I got pulled out of the ditch for free, when I hit the gravel shoulder and panicked.
Why am I not surprised at this???
Stupid: You don't think they will notify my insurance, do you? Cause I'm really worried. Since I had that rollover a couple months ago as well, they said one more incident and my licence could be suspended.
You don't say. You amaze me, really, and not in a good way.
By this point, Churf had already had more of this girl than she could take, and had gone to bed, just to not have to have her time wasted when clearly sleeping was a much better use of time she could never get back.
I was just glad when the tow truck arrived and we could be rid of her.
There are those moments in life when you feel you have done something good for humankind, and then there are times when you wonder why you ever wasted your precious time doing something useless. I was definately thinking the latter.

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