Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's Really More Difficult Than It Looks....Or Not.

I am at the company yard, just about to catch a few hours rest before heading out to New Brunswick at midnight tonight. I've had a very busy day, as I worked from 4am to 1pm and am squeezing in a ten hour break so I can head out at 11pm to my pick up. I was supposed to be sleeping this afternoon, but instead was feeling all ambitious and capable, so I went out and bought a microwave, a new (bigger) power inverter, and extension cords and proceeded to install the works all by my little self, into my transport truck. I even hid all the wiring and cords behind cupboards and under flooring so it would look perfect. No half-ass job here. Unfortunately, it came at the expense of my sleep, but as easy as the job was, feeling proud of myself is making up for it at the moment. And yes, I tested out the microwave, as I tend to question my dubious skills. And it worked! Of course I had to brag to Davey so I could get that all important pat on the back, and he obliged, as he always does.
I also was notified today that I will be getting my first student this coming week, which I'm finding I am really looking forward to and am already cleaning out my truck so she will have room for her things, as my truck is always bursting at the seams, with more useless things than I know what to do with. I constantly find things in here I never even knew I had. It's like Christmas.
Churfy got accepted to College in Detroit, for Large Animal Veterinary, which I am very happy and proud of, especially since it gives her something positive to focus on in the wake of her boyfriend's unfortunate mental meltdown, which I will probably write the next post about.
Davey and I are still going strong although we haven't seen each other in two and a half weeks, and I really miss him terribly. We have spent most of the last 3 days on the phone just talking non stop like we always do, and I always feel better when I hear his voice, but I wish he wasn't so far away. He always talks like I am his future, which I love and find adorable. He'll make comments about what we will be like when we are old, and tells me that if he can, he wants to keep me forever, so even if we are far away and it's hard right now, it will be worth it in the long run. And I like when he talks like that. I love him more all the time, and he has amazed me with how much care and love and support he gives me, and how he will put my feelings, needs and comfort before his own. I've never had someone who would do that for me. We are very quickly becoming best friends and I feel comfortable and safe talking to him, and confident that he will keep any secrets I tell him. I am keeping my fingers crossed that taking a chance, and breaking out of my comfort zone and loving someone will pay off, because I am crazy about him, and hope that he will stay, and keep me.

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